Breakfast ideas for toddlers (12 months+)

Has your baby gotten bored of eating mushy foods? Before they get their molars, babies can have some easy to chew foods to keep them interested during meal time. This post will give you some breakfast ideas that hopefully your baby will enjoy!

Cheerios with milk

A fast and quick breakfast fix but not the most healthy option.


Cheese and fruit (smoothie) – not blended together πŸ˜›

Cut up several slices of cheese and fruit for baby to nibble on. You can also make a quick smoothie with fruits like banana, blueberry, strawberry, mango or other fruits that your baby loves.


Mini eggo

Another quick breakfast and looking closely at the label, they contain some added vitamins in it. Not a bad choice for a quick and nutritious breakfast. Spread a bit of homemade fruit puree or jam and/or cream cheese to the eggo for added nutrition.

Homestyle Minis

Toast with eggs and cheese

Put a slice or two pieces of bread in the toaster.

While bread is toasting, scramble an egg with a tiny bit of oil for 2-3 minutes until egg is no longer runny. Sprinkle some cheese when egg is almost done and let the cheese melt a bit.

Once egg is cooled down a bit and still warm, they can be served to baby as finger food with toasted bread.


Homemade pancakes made with eggs

There are many pancake recipes out there. Use the ones that have eggs and milk for more nutrition. Good to serve as finger food as well.

Example recipe:

This can be made in a batches and put in freezer. Microwave for 15-20 seconds before serving.

Oatmeal with fruits

A quick 5-10 minutes cooking time for another nutritious meal.

Use your preferred oats and pour milk or water to boil for 5 mins. Add cut up fruit like strawberry, mango, blueberry, peaches, and a ripe banana for natural sweetness. You may want to slightly blend it as oat is hard to digest for baby’s young stomach. Can be made in a big batch as well and store in fridge for up to 3 days.

Quaker Quick OatsPackages of Frozen Fruit


Porridge with meat and veggies

An asian breakfast if your baby prefers a more “savoury” option.

Boil rice with water, add minced meat and veggies of your choice to make a nice comforting porridge.


Egg and Cheese Muffins

Found this yummy recipe from With a few simple ingredients of egg, milk and cheese, these mini muffins can be made in a mini muffin pan and stored up and microwaved when ready to eat.


Egg and Cheese Mini Muffins


Hope your baby will enjoy one or more of these breakfast ideas! What is your baby’s favourite breakfast food?

6 thoughts on “Breakfast ideas for toddlers (12 months+)

  1. Some great options here. I’m always looking for quick and healthy breakfast inspirations because I get bored of the same old breakfasts sometimes. I should add porridge to our rotation more often — often forget this as a breakfast option! What else do Chinese ppl eat for breakfast anyway? I can’t remember what I used to eat as a kid in HK!

    I also don’t remember what T’s favourite breakfast foods were as a toddler o.O;; Nowadays it’s oatmeal *and* cereal. Or oatmeal *and* pancake / muffin / something-or-another. She’s into continental-style breakfast (great for her, more work for me lol).

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s good that T likes oatmeal + something else. Do you cook much Chinese food for your family to eat? I think in HK as a kid, I probably ate bread or HK style buns or tarts for breakfast since we had to wake up so early for school.


      • We eat mostly rice, noodles, stirfries, etc. (Chinese style) for dinner. I find stirfries fastest to prepare πŸ™‚ Post-immigration, I mostly ate toast and cereal for breakfast as a kid, but now that you mention it, I do remember HK style buns / tarts. Nowadays we buy those only as special treats!


      • yah, same here.. i know some moms are making slow cooker meals.. or baking in big batch but i m still stirfrying as I get bored of eating the same food everyday.


  2. Thanks for the ideas…I’ll pick some to try it out this weekend. I have been trying to get her to eat more food but failed each time. Lol πŸ™‚


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